oh god
Feb 22, 2009 0:23:00 GMT -5
Post by Hauskaz on Feb 22, 2009 0:23:00 GMT -5
Believe me, I did.
oh god
Feb 22, 2009 0:23:47 GMT -5
Post by hellomeow on Feb 22, 2009 0:23:47 GMT -5
Mr. Prins writes poetry in code form. } // init method
public void paint (Graphics g)
g.setColor (Color.green); Because true elegance in coding is using far more line breaks than rationally needed. Also I'm not sure if you guys are just saying my code is really messy >.>
oh god
Feb 22, 2009 0:27:58 GMT -5
Post by hellomeow on Feb 22, 2009 0:27:58 GMT -5
... ok I had to do this.
//GasStationGUI, Michael Mohamed //ICS4M0 //February 18th 2009 //A GUI based 'Gas Station' applet
//NOTES: //1. Although the options for regular or waxed washing are checkboxes, when //added to a CheckboxGroup... they essentially become RadioButtons... //This makes sense though because you wouldn't really have both at once. //2. The RadioButtons for the fuel use discounting have been locked to the appropriate states. import java.applet.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; class GasStationGUI //The application class. { public static void main (String[] args) //The main method for the application { GasStation applet = new GasStation (); } } class GasStation extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener { //Here be variables - Alter with Caution :o public static Container container; private Image logo; public double washTotal = 0, gasTotal = 0, netTotal = 0, gradeMult = 0, litres = 0, washType = 10, subTotal; public boolean noneSelected = true; public String gasMessage, gradeString, gasOptString = "No options", oilCheckString = "", shieldCleanString = "", washerFluidString = "", washOptString = "None"; public JLabel mikesGUI = new JLabel ((" Michael Mohamed's GasStationGUI")); public JLabel teacher = new JLabel (" Mr. R. Prins"); public JButton mainBut = new JButton ("Main Screen"); public JButton totBut = new JButton ("Total"); public JButton exitBut = new JButton ("Exit"); public JButton carWashBut = new JButton ("Car Wash"); public JButton gasCalc = new JButton ("Purchase Gas"); public JButton gasClr = new JButton ("Clear Gas Choices"); public JLabel gasTitleLabel = new JLabel (" Welcome to Mike's Gas Station!"); Panel butPan, y, x; public JLabel gradeLabel = new JLabel (" Grade of Gas?"); public JRadioButton gold = new JRadioButton ("Gold (1.5x)", true); public JRadioButton silver = new JRadioButton ("Silver (1.25x)"); public JRadioButton bronze = new JRadioButton ("Bronze (1.0x)"); public ButtonGroup gasGrade = new ButtonGroup (); public JRadioButton selfServe = new JRadioButton ("Self Serve (No Charge)", true); public JRadioButton fullServe = new JRadioButton ("Full Serve ($10 fee)"); public JLabel serveLabel = new JLabel (" Service Style"); private ButtonGroup serveGroup = new ButtonGroup (); public JLabel litresLabel = new JLabel (" Litres of Gas Purchased ($0.80/L)"); public JLabel titleLabel = new JLabel (" Mohamdu's Carwash"); public JLabel classLabel = new JLabel (" ICS 4M0"); public JLabel dateLabel = new JLabel (" February 20th, 2009"); public JLabel blank = new JLabel (" "); public JTextField litresField = new JTextField ("0", 15); public JLabel fullOptions = new JLabel (" Full Serve Options"); public Checkbox oilCheck = new Checkbox ("Oil Check", false); public Checkbox washerFluid = new Checkbox ("Washer Fluid", false); public Checkbox shieldClean = new Checkbox ("Windshield Cleaning", false); public CheckboxGroup optionsGroup = new CheckboxGroup (); public JLabel fuelLabel = new JLabel (" Fuel Purchased?"); public JRadioButton fuelYes = new JRadioButton ("Yes", false); public JRadioButton fuelNo = new JRadioButton ("No", true); public ButtonGroup fuelGroup = new ButtonGroup (); public JLabel washTitle = new JLabel (" Welcome to the Car Wash!"); public JLabel washLabel = new JLabel (" Wash Type?"); public CheckboxGroup washGroup = new CheckboxGroup (); public Checkbox regWash = new Checkbox ("Regular Wash", true, washGroup); public Checkbox waxWash = new Checkbox ("Wash and Wax", false, washGroup); public JButton washCalc = new JButton ("Calculate Car Wash Fees"); public JButton washClr = new JButton ("Clear Wash Values"); public JLabel totalTitle = new JLabel (" Please take a look at your transaction record"); public JLabel gasTotalLabel = new JLabel (" Your Fuel Total: "); public JLabel washTotalLabel = new JLabel (" Your Car Wash Total: "); public JLabel netTotalLabel = new JLabel (" Your Net Total (Include Tax): "); public JTextField gasTotalField = new JTextField ("$0"); public JTextField washTotalField = new JTextField ("$0"); public JTextField netTotalField = new JTextField ("$0"); public JLabel gasOptLabel = new JLabel (" Full serve options:"); public JLabel washOptLabel = new JLabel (" Car wash options:"); public JTextField gasOptField = new JTextField ("No options"); public JTextField washOptField = new JTextField ("None."); public JLabel subTotalLabel = new JLabel (" Your subtotal:"); public JTextField subTotalField = new JTextField ("$0"); public JButton feesBut = new JButton ("Pay your fees?"); public JButton restartBut = new JButton ("Restart transaction?"); public JTextField washPrice = new JTextField ("$0"); public JLabel washSubTotal = new JLabel (" Your car wash subtotal:"); //From here on in, it's all smooth sailing :D
public GasStation () //main applet method { super ("Gas Station GUI"); //set title setSize (1100, 300); //Create the main panel for buttons butPan = new Panel (); butPan.setLayout (new GridLayout (5, 1)); butPan.add (mikesGUI); butPan.add (mainBut); butPan.add (carWashBut); butPan.add (totBut); butPan.add (exitBut); //set the ActionListener's for the buttons feesBut.addActionListener (this); restartBut.addActionListener (this); mainBut.addActionListener (this); carWashBut.addActionListener (this); totBut.addActionListener (this); exitBut.addActionListener (this); oilCheck.addItemListener (this); washerFluid.addItemListener (this); shieldClean.addItemListener (this); fuelYes.addActionListener (this); fuelNo.addActionListener (this); gasCalc.addActionListener (this); gasClr.addActionListener (this); selfServe.addActionListener (this); regWash.addItemListener (this); waxWash.addItemListener (this); washClr.addActionListener (this); washCalc.addActionListener (this); //Create the primary container container = getContentPane (); container.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); //Adds buttons to the side container.add (butPan); //Starts up the title screen titleScreen (); setVisible (true); }
public void titleScreen () //Opening Layout - Only shown once. { //Initialize the panel, set panel for removal and replacement. Panel x = new Panel (); y = x; x.setLayout (new GridLayout (13, 1)); x.add (blank); x.add (blank); x.add (blank); x.add (blank); x.add (titleLabel); x.add (classLabel); x.add (dateLabel); x.add (teacher); validate (); container.add (x); setVisible (true); }
public void mainScreen () //Designing the components for the gas purchasing screen { //Initialize the panel, set panel for removal and replacement. Panel x = new Panel (); y = x; x.setLayout (new GridLayout (6, 1)); //Set gas title layout Panel gasTitle = new Panel (); gasTitle.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 1)); gasTitle.add (gasTitleLabel); //Set gas grade panel Panel gradePan = new Panel (); gradePan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 4)); gradePan.add (gradeLabel); gradePan.add (gold); gradePan.add (silver); gradePan.add (bronze); gasGrade.add (gold); gasGrade.add (silver); gasGrade.add (bronze); //Set input for gas litres Panel litrePan = new Panel (); litrePan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); litrePan.add (litresLabel); litrePan.add (litresField); //Set service style selection panel Panel servePan = new Panel (); servePan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 3)); serveGroup.add (selfServe); serveGroup.add (fullServe); servePan.add (serveLabel); servePan.add (selfServe); servePan.add (fullServe); //Add the 'Full Serve Options' panel Panel optionPan = new Panel (); optionPan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 4)); optionPan.add (fullOptions); optionPan.add (oilCheck); optionPan.add (washerFluid); optionPan.add (shieldClean); //Add the Calculate and Clear Button panel Panel gasButPan = new Panel (); gasButPan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); gasButPan.add (gasCalc); gasButPan.add (gasClr); //Add the various sub-panels into the main gas screen panel x.add (gasTitle); x.add (gradePan); x.add (litrePan); x.add (servePan); x.add (optionPan); x.add (gasButPan); validate (); // :I container.add (x); //Adds the main panel to the main container setVisible (true); }
public void washScreen () { //Initialize the panel, set panel for removal and replacement. Panel x = new Panel (); y = x; x.setLayout (new GridLayout (5, 1)); //Create the 'Fuel Purchased' panel and components Panel purchasedPan = new Panel (); purchasedPan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 3)); purchasedPan.add (fuelLabel); purchasedPan.add (fuelYes); purchasedPan.add (fuelNo); fuelGroup.add (fuelYes); fuelGroup.add (fuelNo); //Create the 'Wash type' panel Panel washTypePan = new Panel (); washTypePan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 3)); washTypePan.add (washLabel); washTypePan.add (regWash); washTypePan.add (waxWash); //Create the 'Wash Buttons' panel Panel washButPan = new Panel (); washButPan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); washButPan.add (washCalc); washButPan.add (washClr); //Create the Wash text field panel Panel washPricePan = new Panel (); washPricePan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); washPricePan.add (washSubTotal); washPricePan.add (washPrice); //These are used in locking the fuel discount options //Add all the panels to the main panel x.add (washTitle); x.add (purchasedPan); x.add (washTypePan); x.add (washButPan); x.add (washPricePan); validate (); // :D :D :D //Adds main panel to the main container container.add (x); setVisible (true); }
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) throws ClassCastException, NumberFormatException //The Action Listener response method { if (e.getSource () == mainBut) //Switch to main fuel screen { remove (y); mainScreen (); } if (e.getSource () == carWashBut) //Switch to main car wash screen { remove (y); washScreen (); } if (e.getSource () == totBut) //Switch to the total screen { remove (y); totalScreen (); } if (e.getSource () == selfServe) //Makes sure that if Self serve is chosen, any Full serve options are reset { oilCheck.setState (false); washerFluid.setState (false); shieldClean.setState (false); } if (e.getSource () == exitBut) //Provides a goodbye message, quits. { //Insert some JDialog JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Thank you for visiting Mohamdu's Gas Station!"); System.exit (0); } if (e.getSource () == gasCalc) //Calculates gas, sets options variables, calls sets the total screen. Buggy. { if (gold.isSelected ()) gradeMult = 1.5; else if (silver.isSelected ()) gradeMult = 1.25; else if (bronze.isSelected ()) gradeMult = 1; try //Catches any non-number input. { litres = Double.parseDouble (litresField.getText ()); } catch (NumberFormatException event) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Please do not enter any unnecessary symbols, numbers only"); litresField.setText ("0"); } if (litres > 0) { gasTotal = litres * 0.8 * gradeMult; if (fullServe.isSelected ()) gasTotal += 10; gasTotal = roundUp (gasTotal); if (litres > 0) fuelYes.setSelected (true); else if (litres == 0) fuelNo.setSelected (true); setTotal (); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "You're gas subtotal has come to $" + gasTotal + ".\n" + "Check the Total page for more information and checkout."); } //Ensures that negative litres are paid for... else if (litres < 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "You're GIVING us gas? Why thank you :D"); litres = 0.000001; } else if (litres == 0) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "You did not purchase any gas. Please purchase gas or stop loitering and leave.");
} //These next two 'ifs' lock the 'Fuel Purchased' choice to be in the appropriate state if (e.getSource () == fuelYes) { if (gasTotal == 0) fuelNo.setSelected (true); } if (e.getSource () == fuelNo) if (gasTotal > 0) fuelYes.setSelected (true); if (e.getSource () == washCalc) //Calculates pricing for the car wash { if (fuelYes.isSelected ()) washTotal = 20; else if (fuelNo.isSelected ()) washTotal = 30; washTotal += washType; washPrice.setText ("$" + washTotal); setTotal (); } if (e.getSource () == gasClr) //Resets the gas bar values if pushed. { gasTotal = 0; litres = 0; litresField.setText ("0.0"); gold.setSelected (true); selfServe.setSelected (true); fuelNo.setSelected (true); shieldClean.setState (false); washerFluid.setState (false); oilCheck.setState (false); setTotal (); } if (e.getSource () == washClr) //Resets car wash values if pushed. { washTotal = 0; washPrice.setText ("$" + washTotal); regWash.setState (true); washType = 10; setTotal (); } if (e.getSource () == restartBut) //Resets EVERYTHING if pushed. { litres = 0; washTotal = 0; gasTotal = 0; litresField.setText ("" + litres); washPrice.setText ("$" + washTotal); gold.setSelected (true); selfServe.setSelected (true); fuelNo.setSelected (true); regWash.setState (true); noneSelected = true; oilCheck.setState (false); washerFluid.setState (false); shieldClean.setState (false); gasOptString = "No options."; setTotal (); } if (e.getSource () == feesBut) //Says thank you, closes window, creates new window. Pretty buggy. { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "We kindly appreciate your service!"); dispose (); new GasStation (); } }
//An attempt at a logo... // public void paint (Graphics g) // { // try // { // logo = getImage (getDocumentBase (), "logo.gif"); // g.drawImage (logo, 140, 160, size ().width - 290, size ().height - 290, this); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // } // }
public void setTotal () //Set the total screen properties - works well for on the fly calculations and such { subTotal = washTotal + gasTotal; netTotal = roundUp (subTotal * 1.13); //Checks to see which options were chosen for full serve if (noneSelected == true) gasOptString = "No options."; else if (noneSelected == false) gasOptString = (oilCheckString + washerFluidString + shieldCleanString); //Sets values gasTotalField.setText ("$" + gasTotal); washTotalField.setText ("$" + washTotal); netTotalField.setText ("$" + netTotal); subTotalField.setText ("$" + subTotal); gasOptField.setText (gasOptString); //Checks to see if car wash was chosen, sets appropriate values if (washTotal > 0) washOptField.setText (washOptString); if (washTotal == 0) washOptField.setText ("None."); }
public void totalScreen () //Set up the total screen { //Initialize the panel, set panel for removal and replacement. Panel x = new Panel (); y = x; x.setLayout (new GridLayout (8, 1)); x.add (totalTitle); //set up the Fuel Total panel Panel fuelOutput = new Panel (); fuelOutput.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); fuelOutput.add (gasTotalLabel); fuelOutput.add (gasTotalField); x.add (fuelOutput); //set up the Wash Total panel Panel washOutput = new Panel (); washOutput.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); washOutput.add (washTotalLabel); washOutput.add (washTotalField); x.add (washOutput); //set up the Gas Option panel Panel gasOptPan = new Panel (); gasOptPan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); gasOptPan.add (gasOptLabel); gasOptPan.add (gasOptField); x.add (gasOptPan); //set up the wash Option panel Panel washOptPan = new Panel (); washOptPan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); washOptPan.add (washOptLabel); washOptPan.add (washOptField); x.add (washOptPan); //set up the Subtotal panel Panel subOutput = new Panel (); subOutput.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); subOutput.add (subTotalLabel); subOutput.add (subTotalField); x.add (subOutput); //set up the Net Total panel Panel netOutput = new Panel (); netOutput.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); netOutput.add (netTotalLabel); netOutput.add (netTotalField); x.add (netOutput); //set up the total buttons panel Panel totalButPan = new Panel (); totalButPan.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 2)); totalButPan.add (feesBut); totalButPan.add (restartBut); x.add (totalButPan); container.add (x); validate (); setVisible (true); }
public double roundUp (double num) //Some quick and dirty rounding { num = (Math.round (100 * num)); num = num / 100; return num; }
public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e) //The Item Listener response method { //Locks the full serve options if (fullServe.isSelected () == false) { oilCheck.setState (false); washerFluid.setState (false); shieldClean.setState (false); } if (regWash.getState ()) { washType = 10; washOptString = "Regular Wash"; } if (waxWash.getState ()) { washType = 30; washOptString = "Wax and wash"; } if (oilCheck.getState ()) { oilCheckString = "Oil Check, "; noneSelected = false; } if (oilCheck.getState () == false) oilCheckString = ""; if (washerFluid.getState ()) { washerFluidString = "Fluid Check, "; noneSelected = false; } if (washerFluid.getState () == false) washerFluidString = ""; if (shieldClean.getState ()) { shieldCleanString = "Windshield Cleaned."; noneSelected = false; } if (shieldClean.getState () == false) shieldCleanString = ""; //Makes sure at least one option is selected, otherwise just sets "no options" if ((shieldClean.getState () == false) && (oilCheck.getState () == false) && (washerFluid.getState () == false)) noneSelected = true; } }
Oh god yes....
oh god
Feb 22, 2009 2:26:45 GMT -5
Post by elbow unit on Feb 22, 2009 2:26:45 GMT -5
If that code was a woman , I'd do horrible things to her
oh god
Feb 23, 2009 20:20:28 GMT -5
Post by solocityElectricCyan on Feb 23, 2009 20:20:28 GMT -5
it's about as tall as one