Post by Mr Momentum & the Sidesteppers on Feb 11, 2017 10:47:39 GMT -5
Sensei finally noticed me! I am determined to learn everything Haku-dono can teach before he is freed from this mortal coil. In his heart, he still bears the eternal raging flame of a dragon, a warrior of peace. "President Trump, you strangle them to death!"
Post by Mr Momentum & the Sidesteppers on Aug 7, 2021 13:04:17 GMT -5
【Doom Descent On Earth On Feb16,2020】 The coordinate axises of Doom or Daimon(Daemon)descent on earth on Feb16,2020.After the Day novel-coronavirus has become pandemic. Daimon in Greek means Deity who divides. In my foresight the pandemic will last three years and eight months after the Day. Angel of Death will descend on earth this August、sequently. The twenty centuries when the Fake God of Love has ruled the world will be cast. You must descide your position.One humanity who stand on the Doom's side and the other humanity stand on the Fake God. The coordinate axises of Doom will perish the continuous functions. That is:Humanity could not predict the future effects of the past causes. No further remarks on Doom,or Daemon so fur. HAKU Zynkyoku(KOJIMA Rokan:real name) -------------------- 【Doomが2020年2月16日に地上に降下】 Doom即ちダイモーン(デーモン)の座標軸が2020年2月16日、地上に 降りた。その日から新型コロナウイルスはパンデミック化した。 ギリシア語のダイモーンは分割する魔神を意味する。 私の予測では、この日以後パンデミックは3年8カ月続くと思われる。 つづいて死の天使がこの8月に地上降下する。 愛の偽神が世界を支配してきた2千年は投げ棄てられるであろう。 あなたがたは自分の立場を決めなければならない。一つの人類はDoomの陣営 に立つ。もう一つの人類は偽神の陣営に立っ。 Doomの座標軸は連続関数を消滅させるだろう。 だから過去の原因から未来の結果を予測することは不可能になる。 Doom即ちデーモンに関する提示は今はここまで。 伯壬旭(小島露観)
Haku-sensei has not made a single post since he made this one. I think it's highly probable he has passed away, since he would now be 81 years old. It's possible sensei has simply gone quiet, but I find it very likely that perhaps he just died quietly.