toonsgonebad was some British bloke I knew through FreeWebs;
Cheesey was some British chick I also knew through FreeWebs;
ThatGuy was Peter's original account;
ivmd92 was Ishan from Robert H. Lagerquist SS;
Evilchild4life was Vishal from RHL;
jk7 was Jahan or however the fuck his name was spelled from RHL;
I used to know who day was but can't remember anymore;
Finn was Forest;
Skurria was some chick I knew from somewhere online but I don't remember where;
elliebellie was Elinor from RHL (she was fat);
Shaylen. was Shaylen;
nat was Nathan from RHL;
cperson was Calvin from RHL;
I'm pretty sure Inuyasha was Samantha's original account;
I think sparklegirl might have been Samantha as well;
Your Mom! was Brandon or Brendan or whatever from RHL;
punkromance was some British bloke from FreeWebs, possibly the same one as toonsgonebad but I can't remember;
Fake User is the Data Administrator;
I don't remember who made thebitch;
Slutmantha is Samantha's main account;
socomm203 was some guy I met on either Counter-Strike or Battlefield 2, but definitely not SOCOM;
emocidalqueer was Peter's later account;
rampancy101 was Brandon/Brendan again;
I can't remember who ryutakeshi was but I feel like they were from RHL;
samus995 was Aaron from RHL;
leppp was Aaron (Lepp) again;
kier was some FreeWebs British bloke;
Braninja was Brandon again (pretty sure it's Brandon now);
gofthick was another FreeWebs British bloke, possible the same as punkromance/toonsgonebad;
felippe was
Cheesemaster is Cheesemaster;
Surfin' Smurf was O'Neil;
jhn was Jahan again;
456 was also Jahan;
I don't remember who demonswordmaster was;
I don't remember who ssj4_goku_cloud_sephiroth_47 was either;
I don't remember who onlinegamer999 was as well;
Princess Fwee was Samantha's fake persona;
I don't remember if tclig was another fake account by Samantha or actually a chick;
I don't remember where +RurouniDesiree+ came from;
brightdarkness was someone from BCSS I think but I don't remember who;
No idea about riverwood;
Lang Bang is Kayle;
Cheesemaster II is the second coming of Cheesemaster;
justfuckedyourmom was Kalvin again;
gofthickagain was that British bloke again.
XF is also older than Facebook.